Science roadshow
On Tuesday Room two went to the Science roadshow. We had to tack a pen. So we went in and they did a show for us it was about microscopes and they put a piece of paper under the microscope put a drop of water on top it made the writing look bigger. The microscope was a old fashion one.
When they had finished the show they let us walk around and do the experiments.There were all very good because you needed to read the instructions and some were very hard to do. On was when you pulled the sick and a ping pong ball went up into the air and it came back down and it went to the bottom like it was in a galaxy and then it sat at the bottom for the next person.
I learnt that Science is very fun you can use the things you have right now in your hand you can put little experiments. At the end the called up Jess and they put some powder at the bottom and then they put some water in it then it all bubbled up at it looked like a elephant.