On Tuesday the 3rd constable Jos came and then in the afternoon constable Terry came to help. The first thing we did was we had a talk in the morning about bikes and bike helmets. Then Tasman bought her bike in and we looked at it, we learnt to check our tyres,brakes,spokes and check if the bolts are holding every thing on tight. Then we looked at her helmet to see if the polystyrene was
cracked if it was then you would have to get a new one.
Then the next thing we did was go out onto the court and they were setting up a course that you had to look back and the put your right of left hand up so people new which way you were going.Then we were practicing to put our hand up for a stop sign so that people know that you are stopping soon because if you don't put you hand out they will think you are going straight ahead ahead and run over you. I learnt that hand signals are very important when you are out on the road so is looking back so you can see what is going on behind you as well
Then had some fun on our bikes. They made up a fun course that you had to follow so the first the was zig zag around the cones and that was all around then we went on to a plank thad you went up and it dropped down. Then there was another one but it was bigger than the other one you had to go on and the ladder it was to try and keep you from losing your balance. Then we did it around the road and we had to follow the parents.We had to do hand signals correctly. Then we did a slow race that we had to go as slow as we could.
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