Monday 3 September 2018

Growth Mindset

We are learning to change our negative thoughts into positive thoughts. like I can't into I can, Its to hard into I will try.

you can change your brain by getting all of the negative thoughts out of your brain and put positive thoughts in your brain. When you are to scared to try something new and put yourself down ,you have a fixed mindset and when you are willing to try something new you have a growth mindset. We all have different strengths and weakness you can get better at them by practicing. Your brain controls everything we do like walking, talking, eating, breathing, emotions and to learn new things.  We all have different sections in our brains and some people are good at sports,hands on activities and more. We are born with a small brain and its not very strong so we have to make it grown it grows the most during the first ten years of our life.

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