Friday, 21 December 2018

Summer learning Journey

Work out this maths problem

you are given a cactus for your birthday you need to give it 3 ml a day how much water do you need to give so it will survive a whole year.
 This is how I would
3 times 365

1095 ml

The answer 1095 ml

1 comment:

  1. Hello Morgan,

    You have shown how you got the answer by telling us that you took the number 3 and multiplied it by 365, fantastic work! Well done for following instructions and giving your final answer in millilitres. Do you think you would like to receive a cactus plant for your birthday? I used to have a baby cactus plant when I was younger and it was so cute but very prickly so I had to be careful!

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :)


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