We went to the amazing race on Wednesday the 16 of November. We were put into groups and then we were given a team leader from the high school. They did an amazing job. I was in a team with billy Lachlan and kyah. We all made a wrap,chant our one was kiwis kiwis we are kiwis yay. Our country was New Zealand.The activities were all different. There was a haka one we had to get the poses in the right order. Then there was a chop stick lolly race were you had to hole a lolly with chopsticks and run while doing an obstacle course. The we did bowls you had get your colour closest to the jack. We had to kick balls at the fence and try to hit targets that had points on it. The next one was a fruit bowl it had fruit in it and then we used a towel to hold it on our heads and run through the obstacle. My Favourite one was the lolly one because we got lollies at the end. My team got second place.

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