- The runner is as fast as a cheetah.
- The man is as tall as a Giraffe
- The mouse is as small as a coin
- The lake is as beautiful as a dolphin.
Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
SLJ Similes
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Vampire Hotel
Vampire Hotel
On one cold night in the school holidays, Bella, Morgana, Alice and Emma went out to the movies. They went to see movies called vampire hotel. They were all screaming at each other because it was not scary at all, so they were trying to scare people. Then when they were leaving someone pushed them into a room and locked it. They were so scared Alice was making funny jokes. Bella was crying, Morgana was bleeding. Emma was looking for a way out. Alice and Morgana were talking about what they were going to do when they got out. While Everyone else was looking for a way out.
Then while they were looking some blood thirsty vampire came in and then they grabbed Alice and dragged her into a locked room. They were screaming and trying to get her out. They could hear her being bitten. They were all freaking out and did not know what to do. So they just sat waiting for her to come out. But she didn't so now they knew she would not come out and she was dead. But then about six months later all the girls hungry and feel like every day that passes they are dying.
Then Alice came out of the room looking horrible all pale and then she started to bite Morgana. Then she came out, then Morgana started to turn Bella into a vampire. Once all of them were fed and not hungry it was Bella’s turn to turn Emma into a vampire. So once they were all turned into vamps. They started to look for a way out then they were free.
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
My Poem
The Wind
I feel the crisp wind hitting my face
As I walk through the damp forest,
My thoughts so loud
My head is pounding
The wind is freezing
Like a tunnel of cold air
As I walk, fear filling up inside me
I feel so close yet I am so far away,
It will be dark soon,
I need to find my way back
Or I will be lost out here forever
I am beginning to feel alone
It’s like I'm sinking into a world full of tears,
My eyes feel so heavy
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Amazing Race
Amazing Race
We went to the amazing race on Wednesday the 16 of November. We were put into groups and then we were given a team leader from the high school. They did an amazing job. I was in a team with billy Lachlan and kyah. We all made a wrap,chant our one was kiwis kiwis we are kiwis yay. Our country was New Zealand.The activities were all different. There was a haka one we had to get the poses in the right order. Then there was a chop stick lolly race were you had to hole a lolly with chopsticks and run while doing an obstacle course. The we did bowls you had get your colour closest to the jack. We had to kick balls at the fence and try to hit targets that had points on it. The next one was a fruit bowl it had fruit in it and then we used a towel to hold it on our heads and run through the obstacle. My Favourite one was the lolly one because we got lollies at the end. My team got second place.
We went to the amazing race on Wednesday the 16 of November. We were put into groups and then we were given a team leader from the high school. They did an amazing job. I was in a team with billy Lachlan and kyah. We all made a wrap,chant our one was kiwis kiwis we are kiwis yay. Our country was New Zealand.The activities were all different. There was a haka one we had to get the poses in the right order. Then there was a chop stick lolly race were you had to hole a lolly with chopsticks and run while doing an obstacle course. The we did bowls you had get your colour closest to the jack. We had to kick balls at the fence and try to hit targets that had points on it. The next one was a fruit bowl it had fruit in it and then we used a towel to hold it on our heads and run through the obstacle. My Favourite one was the lolly one because we got lollies at the end. My team got second place.

Monday, 23 September 2019
Rat Eradication
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Duffy Books

Friday, 16 August 2019
My Space Argument
Space Exploration
( My Argument )
We are spending 25.4 billion dollars in today's money that is 135 billion dollars on space exploration and the suits are costing 12 million each. I think that we should be spending money on Space exploration.
Because even though people say that we are trashing our own planet and that we should be spending the money on helping the people in our planet and fixing it by spending that money on cleaning. But do you really think that everyone is going to stop littering and they are going to look after our world. We have plastic floating Island in our sea we are not going to be able to get rid of all of it. We have lots of rubbish we need to sort it out. So that is one reason why I think we should keep spending money on space exploration.
We need to keep space exploration going so that we can search for another planet in case this one is destroyed and if we keep going at the rate we are it is going to be destroyed, anyway if we can find a planet that has oxygen, water and plant life and food and everything we need to live. As earth's population is increasing by the day. There is even a law going in that people can’t have anymore babies.Because pretty much everyday there is a new child in this world and every year it is increasingly 82 million our current population is 7.7 billion. That is my second reason why we should keep spending the money.
Humans are explorers, we are explorers we need to keep exploring planets so that we can try and find a new planet and space is helping with all of our technology and help make new ting and discovering new materials. Space had very useful objects and materials just floating around. So as we keep discovering new things the old ways are slipping away and things are getting easier. We all like an adventure every once and awhile well I certainly do. This was my third reason why we should spend money on it.
Space mining, people are begging to do space mining witch is when are combing space and digging out all of the useful material out of asteroids, meteors and other. All of that is used for our technology and discovering new things and making new things. They are finding allfirent kind of metal and even new types. They are mining for natural resources. There is thought to be at least $700 billion worth of metals and materials.
Space exploration help our earth by taking pictures and videos so that we can find out what is happening in our planets and the weather and temperatures that are coming our way. Every time we go to space we find out more about it and what is up there. It is also helping connect all of the nations so we can all come together and find a solution for our small world that we are in.We all live in that same world it's not fair to the people that want to fix it up and the ones who just trash it that is my fifth reason why we should spend the money.
So that Is why I think we should keep spending the money on it. We have too much rubbish and I don’t think that everyone will help fix that is why climate change and global warming is happening. We are going to end up destroying this planet we keep going how we are now. Our population is increasing by the day. We are explorers we all need adventures. There is space mining so that we can have more materials to work with when we are making things. It also helps tell the weather and our temperatures.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
My Space Art
Our class has been assigned apiece of space art to do I did it about all the planets and moon and sun. I used black paper , I drew the things with my pencil then I coloured over with pastel. Then I picked a colour to mount it in.
Monday, 5 August 2019
Lunar Module Task
Task 2 making my plan and what I need to make it.
Task 3 My lunar Module and the inside of it.when I was making it I used a egg thing for my base and wire for the legs and used beer bottle tops for the feet and put it together with black tape.When I was done making it I had to cover it in tin foil.Then when I was done doing that I made my antenna out of plastic and painted it blue.

we are studding Space and solar system.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
The Moon
The Moon
The moon moves around the earth while we move around the sun the cycle
is every 28 days. The parts of the moon we can see is because the sun is
shining on them. It takes us a year to go around the sun. The sun is not a
planet it is a star burning up in the atmosphere. The has several different
stages When we can not see the moon it is called a new moon. There is a
waxing moon (a crescent), a waxing quarter ( looks like half), waxing gibbous,
full moon( we can see it all), waning gibbous, waning quarter,Waning crescent.
is every 28 days. The parts of the moon we can see is because the sun is
shining on them. It takes us a year to go around the sun. The sun is not a
planet it is a star burning up in the atmosphere. The has several different
stages When we can not see the moon it is called a new moon. There is a
waxing moon (a crescent), a waxing quarter ( looks like half), waxing gibbous,
full moon( we can see it all), waning gibbous, waning quarter,Waning crescent.
Jake Bailey
This is A poster about Jake Bailey, he came to our school and he talked about his journey with cancer and how he got through it. He talked about being brave and not sweating the small stuff.
Monday, 29 July 2019
P.t 2 The Monkey Twins And The Alien Head
Once upon a time in a spy hideout two monkeys were getting ready to go on their second mission.
They were gearing up to go to Egypt to retrieve the alien head that had power over the whole world.
So first they are heading to the airport in there human costume and as they walked in the gates
everyone was staring at them,so they just kept going. When they finally got through the security
they were boxed up and thrown in with the other pets,it was a very bumpy ride for them. So one
monkey decided that she was going to pull out a drink and them poured it into two glasses gave
one to her friend. As she was giving it to her friend them the bright pink drink went everywhere
into everyone's bags up the roof of the plane and left a very visible pink stain.
They were gearing up to go to Egypt to retrieve the alien head that had power over the whole world.
So first they are heading to the airport in there human costume and as they walked in the gates
everyone was staring at them,so they just kept going. When they finally got through the security
they were boxed up and thrown in with the other pets,it was a very bumpy ride for them. So one
monkey decided that she was going to pull out a drink and them poured it into two glasses gave
one to her friend. As she was giving it to her friend them the bright pink drink went everywhere
into everyone's bags up the roof of the plane and left a very visible pink stain.
They were on the runway and one yelled out” touchdown america”. Well hate to break it to
ya but we are in Egypt Not America”. “Yea I know I've just wanted to say that my whole life.”
but we are only two years old”. “ fine you got me then HAPPY NOW”. “ NO not yet”. “AHHHHHH”.
“OK let's go on our mission now that we are not fighting like cats and dogs”. So they set of on their
mission they jumped on a rv headed out to the desert .” It's time to save the world once more”.
So they are at the edge of the big pyramid that they have to get into. Their first thing that nearly kill
ed them was a scorpion pinching their feet. But after that it was all go.The first thing they did to get in
was they froze it and then it shattered everywhere. After that emotion they walked through a series of
obstacles like bottomless pits,tigers,darts, quicksand. But when they got to the quick sand on shouted
out “ i'm too scared to go across the sand.” shut up and stop being a baby. After that they were at the the
end they were both fighting over who was going to grab the head to save the world” I SHOULD GRAB IT
but that's why I SHOULD GRAB IT so SHUT UP you dumb monkey but then as she started
to approached she got shot with a poison dart and the other monkey had to carry her out and the
alien head as well. They were finally on their way home to go smash the alien head. But before that
could happen they were on the plane back to the spy hideout and the plane crashed.” I love you
monkey twin”. Don’t love you goodbye”.But of course they did not die they were stranded on an
abandoned island with rain pouring down and one said” well we are not going to survive this. “
Not one chance”. They got a shelter ready well one did the other one just sat their say” we are
going to die” over and over. Then they needed some food so they got some fish from the sea. “ I DON'T
WANT FISH I WANT BANANAS”. “ well i’d you want to live EAT THEM NOW”.” well i would rather
STARVE THAN EAT FISH”. “ WHATEVER”.” you need to start acting like a grown man”.”but i'm not.
So them to amused them they were gathering up vines and bit of wood and made a karaoke microphone
one started sighing” NO lies feel your eyes they all over don't be shy take control of me hit that vibe it’s
going to be a lit tonight. “ SHUT UP I HATE THAT SONG”.” no you SHUT UP”.” well your the one
who is making me want to throw up my guts”.But then suddenly the alien head came to life and it had a
blue green glow to it. SO then they both fainted and it was just as the last plane come over the island to
save them so now they are stranded there for ten years till the next plane comes.
ya but we are in Egypt Not America”. “Yea I know I've just wanted to say that my whole life.”
but we are only two years old”. “ fine you got me then HAPPY NOW”. “ NO not yet”. “AHHHHHH”.
“OK let's go on our mission now that we are not fighting like cats and dogs”. So they set of on their
mission they jumped on a rv headed out to the desert .” It's time to save the world once more”.
So they are at the edge of the big pyramid that they have to get into. Their first thing that nearly kill
ed them was a scorpion pinching their feet. But after that it was all go.The first thing they did to get in
was they froze it and then it shattered everywhere. After that emotion they walked through a series of
obstacles like bottomless pits,tigers,darts, quicksand. But when they got to the quick sand on shouted
out “ i'm too scared to go across the sand.” shut up and stop being a baby. After that they were at the the
end they were both fighting over who was going to grab the head to save the world” I SHOULD GRAB IT
but that's why I SHOULD GRAB IT so SHUT UP you dumb monkey but then as she started
to approached she got shot with a poison dart and the other monkey had to carry her out and the
alien head as well. They were finally on their way home to go smash the alien head. But before that
could happen they were on the plane back to the spy hideout and the plane crashed.” I love you
monkey twin”. Don’t love you goodbye”.But of course they did not die they were stranded on an
abandoned island with rain pouring down and one said” well we are not going to survive this. “
Not one chance”. They got a shelter ready well one did the other one just sat their say” we are
going to die” over and over. Then they needed some food so they got some fish from the sea. “ I DON'T
WANT FISH I WANT BANANAS”. “ well i’d you want to live EAT THEM NOW”.” well i would rather
STARVE THAN EAT FISH”. “ WHATEVER”.” you need to start acting like a grown man”.”but i'm not.
So them to amused them they were gathering up vines and bit of wood and made a karaoke microphone
one started sighing” NO lies feel your eyes they all over don't be shy take control of me hit that vibe it’s
going to be a lit tonight. “ SHUT UP I HATE THAT SONG”.” no you SHUT UP”.” well your the one
who is making me want to throw up my guts”.But then suddenly the alien head came to life and it had a
blue green glow to it. SO then they both fainted and it was just as the last plane come over the island to
save them so now they are stranded there for ten years till the next plane comes.
To be continued…..
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
My Pen And Pencil work
This is task 1 we had to write about different types of pens and pencils.
This is task 2 we made a diagram on how to make pencils.
This was task 3 we had to write about what the numbers are for on pencils.
This was task 4 we had to make a poster about pens and pencils.
Task 5 we had to make diagram to shoe how to make pencils.
Here is the last task that I did. We had to read the text and then answer the question.
Communication Work
This was the first task we had to make a poster on lucid press. I included pictures and a definition of communication and what it is.
This was the second task we had to make a timeline on how commutation evolved.
This was task 3 we had to write how we would feel if someone said this to us.
This was task 4 we had to write down communication that we used and what we are learning.
This was task 5 we had to write down how different animals communicate.
This was task 6 we had to write how animals act when predators are around.
This is task 7 we had create a crossword.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Friday, 12 April 2019
Girls Day At School
Girls Day At school It Was So Fun
Girls Day at School so at school their has been drama with nine girls.so went some were and talked about how we felt and most of us got very emotional and then we sorted it out and now we are all friend and we get on really good now then we had a girls day so we could do each others nails and hair. Then after that we were all friends.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
My Balancing toy video
WE had to do homework toy and made a video about it and expanded it and how it works Hope you like it.
WE had to do homework toy and made a video about it and expanded it and how it works Hope you like it.
Here is a slide about my balance work we made a slide and did lots of balance poses we made toys and did lots of work hope you learn something bye!!!
In my classroom we also had to do a elements of poetry and we had to do similes metaphors onomatopoeia personification a sheet about firework by Katy Perry and listen to the road not taken and do the work. Hope you like my slideshow!!.
So our class has been working on poetry We have done lots of different poems we had to read about all the poems I hope you like them. Bye!!
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Coat of Arms
My Key
Coat Of arms
- Apple- happiness peace
- Shield shaped-cross
- Yellow- Cheerful, joy, sunny, optimism ,hope
- Green- healing, growth, harmony, freshens, luck
- Blue- confedense, faith ,understanding, calm, dignity
- Purple- intrigue, pride ,mystery
- Tiger- fierceness bravery
- A world globe- I travel
- Sun- glory
- Tree-life strength
- Horse shoe- good luck
- Water- open hearted creative
- dancers- I like dancing
- (anchor) -I have faith and i hope to be by the sea
- (Dolphin)- I want to be A marine biologist
- (helping hands)- Help people
- (masks)- to get the message out in another way by acting
Learning Intentions:
We are learning draw and colour neatly,we are learning to find symbol that represent our virtues
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
My North Island Recount
North Island Trip
This story is about my car trip up to the north Island for Christmas,
we set of in the morning at nine o'clock. We all got in the car and set of to Nelson.
On the way I was looking out the widow and trying to count the animals because that's
all I could do in the car. When we got to the turn of called St Arnaud. We stopped and
picked up my second cousin called “JJ”. When he got in the car he sat in the front and
we drove to Picton to catch the ferry. We checked in at Picton and we went to wait in
the line.
we set of in the morning at nine o'clock. We all got in the car and set of to Nelson.
On the way I was looking out the widow and trying to count the animals because that's
all I could do in the car. When we got to the turn of called St Arnaud. We stopped and
picked up my second cousin called “JJ”. When he got in the car he sat in the front and
we drove to Picton to catch the ferry. We checked in at Picton and we went to wait in
the line.
We had to wait so long because someone had had a heart attack on the boat and it had
to turn back. So the boat was three hours late. When we Finally got on the boat we
sailed away and JJ played in the kids area and when there was a movie on, I went in
watched it with him. Once we got to Wellington we got down into were our car was
parked and drove out We drove to Levin we got there at eight at night we were looking
for motel and the only one that was open that we could take the boat to was very
expensive. So we had to stay there. Me and JJ had noodles for tea since we didn't have
anything else.
to turn back. So the boat was three hours late. When we Finally got on the boat we
sailed away and JJ played in the kids area and when there was a movie on, I went in
watched it with him. Once we got to Wellington we got down into were our car was
parked and drove out We drove to Levin we got there at eight at night we were looking
for motel and the only one that was open that we could take the boat to was very
expensive. So we had to stay there. Me and JJ had noodles for tea since we didn't have
anything else.
The next morning My mum got in the front ,then hours later we arrived in Matamata and
drove down to my cousins house and we had dinner there we had mashed potatoes and
chicken for dinner, then when I woke up I went out to the farm and fed the chickens
and calves morning I sat in the front on the way to Whangarei to stay with my aunty
and uncle. After we had got there and had some food we put up our tent then we had
dinner, then a few days later we woke up and it was time for my uncles birthday party.
drove down to my cousins house and we had dinner there we had mashed potatoes and
chicken for dinner, then when I woke up I went out to the farm and fed the chickens
and calves morning I sat in the front on the way to Whangarei to stay with my aunty
and uncle. After we had got there and had some food we put up our tent then we had
dinner, then a few days later we woke up and it was time for my uncles birthday party.
So we got up got dressed and then started to get ready once the party started to Get ready
for the party then we went out to the shed and people started to arrive. Once most people
had arrived my dad and my dad's brother went outside and started the spit roast up,
so we could have our dinner they put on to whole pigs. Then me and my cousin
went outside and we had two other girls that we're playing with ice and we were
throwing ice at each other and throwing it in the air and everyone was getting hit by it.
for the party then we went out to the shed and people started to arrive. Once most people
had arrived my dad and my dad's brother went outside and started the spit roast up,
so we could have our dinner they put on to whole pigs. Then me and my cousin
went outside and we had two other girls that we're playing with ice and we were
throwing ice at each other and throwing it in the air and everyone was getting hit by it.
Then a surprise band turned up and my uncle Gary didn't know about it so
then it started and it played all night till midnight an everybody danced it was so
fun.Then it was time for dinner, the dinner was delicious it was juicy and had lots
of flavor. one of the Pigs were cooked over smoke and fire and one of them was
cooked inside of a metal oven cooker. When I went to sleep I could hear people
throwing up on the concrete outside of my tent, then I could hear people talking
about that they had lost someone.
then it started and it played all night till midnight an everybody danced it was so
fun.Then it was time for dinner, the dinner was delicious it was juicy and had lots
of flavor. one of the Pigs were cooked over smoke and fire and one of them was
cooked inside of a metal oven cooker. When I went to sleep I could hear people
throwing up on the concrete outside of my tent, then I could hear people talking
about that they had lost someone.
Then a few days later it was Christmas Eve so we were all excited to wake up in
the morning and it would be Christmas. So we had our cookies and milk, wen to
bed in our tents ,left Santa some carrots and milk. Then we woke up in the morning
and we went inside to open our presents. I had a Santa sack with lots of small presents
I loved every single one of my presents. Then we had A giant Christmas dinner.
the morning and it would be Christmas. So we had our cookies and milk, wen to
bed in our tents ,left Santa some carrots and milk. Then we woke up in the morning
and we went inside to open our presents. I had a Santa sack with lots of small presents
I loved every single one of my presents. Then we had A giant Christmas dinner.
Then my dad had a toothache for a week, so me and mum drove down to my cousins
house in a really old fashioned car. Mum decided to take the alternative route to were
all the beaches were we stopped at Waipu cove for a swim and a ice cream.
house in a really old fashioned car. Mum decided to take the alternative route to were
all the beaches were we stopped at Waipu cove for a swim and a ice cream.
We went for a swim in some amazing fresh water at the sandiest beach I have ever been
to. The Water was amazing I have never swam in water that nice . After our beautiful
swim mum bought us each a giant ice cream I had cookies and cream, mum had kiwi
fruit pavlova.Then after some more driving when we were done driving we got to my
cousins house and stayed their for a while but mum went to her sister's house and I
stayed at my cousins house. Then when dad was done with the hospital he came down
then we all met up at where I was staying and then drove home.
to. The Water was amazing I have never swam in water that nice . After our beautiful
swim mum bought us each a giant ice cream I had cookies and cream, mum had kiwi
fruit pavlova.Then after some more driving when we were done driving we got to my
cousins house and stayed their for a while but mum went to her sister's house and I
stayed at my cousins house. Then when dad was done with the hospital he came down
then we all met up at where I was staying and then drove home.
Learning intentions:
We are learning to use dialogue and write recounts.
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Thursday, 7 February 2019
Martin Luther king Slide Show
Here is my slide show about Marin Luther king. Have a read. I hope you learn something Bye!!
My three little pigs news paper report
The Three little Pigs Murder Story
Hello My name Is Amanda Wilson and I
will be giving you a report on the three
little pigs murder trial. Last night at
twelve o'clock Residents at the Sunshine
home for elders were woken by big loud
bangs and crashes and the most peculiar
smell. So one of the residents rang the cops
to come over and check it out.
Once they had come over there was lots of havoc around the neighbourhood.
“Open the door now ‘’ said the cops
“ Why “ the three little pigs said
“ I will not put up with this nonsense” said the cops
Then he kicked open the door and asked to sit down and talk to the pigs. They sat down and the cops said
“I half a complaint of a missing wolf do you know anything about it?”
“Yes he blew my straw house down” said Henry
“He blew my wooden house down “ said Griselda
“Where is he now?!!”
“The three little pigs pointed to the kitchen”
The cops walked into the kitchen and saw a tail hanging out of the oven. He yelled
“Yyy yes” said the three little pigs.
The cops took all three little pigs were taken down to the police station for questioning.
At the police station they were talking all about what happened. When the interview was over the pigs
were sent to jail for committing murder. Two weeks later the pigs put on their best clothes the trial.
At the murder trial the judge was asking all the sunshine residents what they heard. Once that was over
the judge was asking all the people in the neighbourhood if they heard or smelt something burning.
The three little pigs were looking very nervous about what was going to happen to them.Once the judge
had heard all the stories the pigs were sentenced to fifteen years in jail. Then once the pigs were back in
their jail cells. The internet was swarming with comets like- They were only protecting their property, they
had no right to kill that wolf, they should be aloud to defend their property, they should be killed that was my
My learning intentions:
We are learning to write a recount in the style of a newspaper report
we are trying to do dialog. That is when people speak and correct punctuation.
At the police station they were talking all about what happened. When the interview was over the pigs
were sent to jail for committing murder. Two weeks later the pigs put on their best clothes the trial.
At the murder trial the judge was asking all the sunshine residents what they heard. Once that was over
the judge was asking all the people in the neighbourhood if they heard or smelt something burning.
The three little pigs were looking very nervous about what was going to happen to them.Once the judge
had heard all the stories the pigs were sentenced to fifteen years in jail. Then once the pigs were back in
their jail cells. The internet was swarming with comets like- They were only protecting their property, they
had no right to kill that wolf, they should be aloud to defend their property, they should be killed that was my
My learning intentions:
We are learning to write a recount in the style of a newspaper report
we are trying to do dialog. That is when people speak and correct punctuation.
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