Friday, 4 January 2019

Summer learning Journey

Four names For this pool

1. Starfish pool
2.Glow stick pool(*)
3. Stone fish pool
4. Yellow/green


  1. Hi there Morgan,

    Those are some creative names for the geothermal pool! I really like the name "Starfish Pool" and I think it would be really cool if there were families of starfish living in it for us to see. I'm not sure if the green colour of the pool will allow us to see any creatures in it though, which is a shame. My favourite name from your list would also have to be the one you have chosen: Glow Stick Pool. It sounds so much more fun and exciting! Do you like glow sticks? They're awesome to use at night and they come in some really cool colours too! Have you ever been to Rotorua? I've been there 2-3 times and I've had an awesome experience each time. There are so many activities to do and sights to see!

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :D

  2. Hi Morgan, I think that they are some very nice names for the pool. My favourite was the 2 one as well. next time maybe put a photo on your post. I am doing The summer learning journey as well I have done all the task. come look at my blog here:
    You are doing great keep it up.
    From Jess


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