Friday, 4 January 2019

Summer learning journey

Am I a night owl or not

No I am not a night owl  I am a early riser  I go to bed early and wake up early.My Mum and dad are  early riser. I like my sleep and when I wake up in the morning I am ready for a new day and If I don't enough sleep sometimes I am tired all day or angry in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Morgan,

    It's great to hear that you are an early riser, it must be nice to wake up early and have a lot more time to complete the things you need to do for the day. I'm not quite sure what I am... I don't enjoy waking up early but I don't particularly like staying up too late either; I like my sleep! What time do you usually go to sleep and what time do you like to wake up? I prefer to be tucked away in my bed by 10:30pm and I tend to wake up around 8:30-9am on weekends when I don't need to go to work. Sleep is so important and we all need to get enough of it. It's like charging your phone or laptop. If we don't charge ourselves up enough, we won't function too well, just as you have mentioned. It's not fun when you don't get enough sleep, right? Maybe you can take an afternoon nap on the days that you feel a bit tired. I know that always helps me get through the day a bit better! :)

    Happy blogging,


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