Monday 23 September 2019

Rat Eradication

We had made rat traps and then we set them out. Thank you to the year thirteens from the high school for helping us. We are trying to get rid of all rats so we don't have a rat problem.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Duffy Books

Today we got Duffy books. we got given two Duffy books from yesterday because we were not at the Duffy show We get a magazine every term and we have to chose four books and we get the two top ones and then if they don't have them we get the other choices. We are so lucky to get Duffy books because we are a Duffy school. The are free for us. Every year we have a Duffy show and we get them every term. People all around New Zealand get 12 million plus Duffy books. They are given to over 100,000 new Zealand children three times a year. The books I received were Liars by Jack Heath Jurassic World The Evolution Of Claire By Tess Sharpe.