My three people on my support crew for my bike race.
1. My mum- because would be so prod of me even if I didn't win.
2. My Dad -Because he would make me want to win.
3. My Aunt- Because she does everything with me and she always tells me to give it ago.
Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Monday, 31 December 2018
Sunday, 23 December 2018
Summer learning Journey
Dear Donna
I have made a trip to the tundra, it was freezing and I had to wear feathers coats and animal fur. I was bellow 28 most of the time. I loved all of the things I ate they were so different but so delicious. My most memorable moment was when I was walking out in the cold looking and no trees because I am so used to see trees were ever I walk. My favourite part of my tundra trip was when I went down to the only water sauce they had and went swimming, the water was so cold that when I got out and I was as cold as the Antarctic ocean. I had an amazing time you should go for a holiday but I recommend that you tack a shorter time to visit because, I was there for three weeks and by the last one there was not much to do. There are lots of fun activities to do during the day not the night.
I have made a trip to the tundra, it was freezing and I had to wear feathers coats and animal fur. I was bellow 28 most of the time. I loved all of the things I ate they were so different but so delicious. My most memorable moment was when I was walking out in the cold looking and no trees because I am so used to see trees were ever I walk. My favourite part of my tundra trip was when I went down to the only water sauce they had and went swimming, the water was so cold that when I got out and I was as cold as the Antarctic ocean. I had an amazing time you should go for a holiday but I recommend that you tack a shorter time to visit because, I was there for three weeks and by the last one there was not much to do. There are lots of fun activities to do during the day not the night.
Friday, 21 December 2018
Summer learning journey
Should logging be allowed
Well first I am going to start of with If you don't know what logging is, it is when people cut down trees and they are called loggers. I would say no stop logging because Trees give us air and clean the air by taking the old air and give us new air .. But they also give us warmth with their wood that we burn in the fire. so I don't agree with people cutting down trees because we should just have electric fire because if we keep cutting down trees we will have no Air, so really the question is would you rather be a little cold or run out of air?.
Well first I am going to start of with If you don't know what logging is, it is when people cut down trees and they are called loggers. I would say no stop logging because Trees give us air and clean the air by taking the old air and give us new air .. But they also give us warmth with their wood that we burn in the fire. so I don't agree with people cutting down trees because we should just have electric fire because if we keep cutting down trees we will have no Air, so really the question is would you rather be a little cold or run out of air?.
Summer learning Journey
The name of the animal that WWF is working to save?
They are protecting tigers and fresh water seals
What the WWF is doing to help the animal?
They are helping the freshwater seals by making snow banks so that the pups will survive
They are helping the tigers by trying to make people donate so the can help them.
What if any success have they had protecting the animal?
The have helped the fresh water seals a lot by giving them snow banks to have there pup and increase the population.
They are protecting tigers and fresh water seals
What the WWF is doing to help the animal?
They are helping the freshwater seals by making snow banks so that the pups will survive
They are helping the tigers by trying to make people donate so the can help them.
What if any success have they had protecting the animal?
The have helped the fresh water seals a lot by giving them snow banks to have there pup and increase the population.
Summer learning Journey
Working for DOC
1. Getting to spent time with animals
2. Keeping animals safe
3. Helping animals if they are hurt
1. Having to go knock on people doors who were doing the wrong thing
2. Caching animals die if you couldn't help them
3. Have say that you are useless because you work for DOC
I would Like do be a DOC ranger so I could spent time with animals and help them.
1. Getting to spent time with animals
2. Keeping animals safe
3. Helping animals if they are hurt
1. Having to go knock on people doors who were doing the wrong thing
2. Caching animals die if you couldn't help them
3. Have say that you are useless because you work for DOC
I would Like do be a DOC ranger so I could spent time with animals and help them.
Summer learning Journey
Describe a Beast
my beast is made up of metal motor bike parts. his whole body is made of broken motor bike parts. his head has lots of spikes and red beaming laser eyes, his hair made of bike chain with bolts at the end of them. his mouth opens and shuts. His arms have hoses that go to his hands, he has has very long legs and they are made of all different parts to the arms. it has a gun that pops out of his back when it senses danger. It has giant feet and it never needs clothes because it made of motor parts. He is part pirate and part storm trooper.
my beast is made up of metal motor bike parts. his whole body is made of broken motor bike parts. his head has lots of spikes and red beaming laser eyes, his hair made of bike chain with bolts at the end of them. his mouth opens and shuts. His arms have hoses that go to his hands, he has has very long legs and they are made of all different parts to the arms. it has a gun that pops out of his back when it senses danger. It has giant feet and it never needs clothes because it made of motor parts. He is part pirate and part storm trooper.
Summer learning Journey
Work out this maths problem
you are given a cactus for your birthday you need to give it 3 ml a day how much water do you need to give so it will survive a whole year.
This is how I would
3 times 365
1095 ml
The answer 1095 ml
Summer learning Journey
List three sports teams with ferns in there name
1. Silver ferns
2. Football ferns
3. Black ferns
1. Silver ferns
2. Football ferns
3. Black ferns
Summer learning Journey
Why I want to go and see the tree
I would like to go and see kauri tree waipoua forest because it is one of the largest and long living trees, and I want to fell its energy run through me and recharge. It would be such a good experience to visit the amazing tree, it would be like a once and a life time opportunity.
Summer Learning journey
Don't give your password away to strangers
Don't except friend requests if you don't know them
Don't give away to much information to people
Don't put your personal information in public areas
Don't tell people your password if you don't know them
Be careful of scams
Don't talk to people who you don't know on the internet
Be safe And no cyber bullying because remember what you put out you get back.
Don't except friend requests if you don't know them
Don't put your personal information in public areas
Don't tell people your password if you don't know them
Be careful of scams
Don't talk to people who you don't know on the internet
Be safe And no cyber bullying because remember what you put out you get back.
Summer learning Journey
My Hotel
My Hotel Would go in the Bahamas in a hot tropical paradise is land island, it would have a freezing cold pool. It will be a ten story hotel with air conditioning. A indoor pool ,bowling ale, pool tables, and more. My hotel will have lots of fun thing to do. It will be glass and Bricks The walls are glass and the floor is brick. if you don't like it you will get a full discount and you get breakfast included in your package.
My Hotel Would go in the Bahamas in a hot tropical paradise is land island, it would have a freezing cold pool. It will be a ten story hotel with air conditioning. A indoor pool ,bowling ale, pool tables, and more. My hotel will have lots of fun thing to do. It will be glass and Bricks The walls are glass and the floor is brick. if you don't like it you will get a full discount and you get breakfast included in your package.
Summer learning Journey
My Favourite Food is Noodles
Five easy steps to make my favourite Food
1. Get hot water in a pot.
2. Put the noodle cake in.
3. Then wait A max of 3 minutes
4. Then add flavouring.
5. Stir and enjoy
Five easy steps to make my favourite Food
1. Get hot water in a pot.
2. Put the noodle cake in.
3. Then wait A max of 3 minutes
4. Then add flavouring.
5. Stir and enjoy
Summer learning Journey
Five Questions for Sir Edmund Hillary
1. What made this your life goal?
2. How did you feel when you made it to the top?
3. Who inspired you?
4. What made you chose mount cook?
5. How long did it take you to get to the top?
1. What made this your life goal?
2. How did you feel when you made it to the top?
3. Who inspired you?
4. What made you chose mount cook?
5. How long did it take you to get to the top?
Monday, 17 December 2018
Summer learning Journey Activity Two
Describe Your Home Town
My Home town is Grey Mouth, we have a river called the Grey river, we have a Warehouse, Two dollar shops, New world, Countdown and Takeaways Shops like , McDonald's , KFC and other. I go to Blaketown School We have a beach right beside us And when we do work we can hear the sea. Our town has movies pools parks and more. We have tourist spots like nelson creek, camp grounds, pancake rocks and shanty town. But sometimes there is nothing really to do so There is not really much.
Summer Learning Journey Activity One
My Three Top Facts Of New Zealand
- New Zealand was once apart of the new south wales then later it became part of Australia.
2. New Zealand is one of the world's least populated country with over 4 million in population.
3. 30% of the country is forest.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Different Parts Of Our Brain
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Monday, 3 September 2018
My Bullying Poster
We have been Looking at bulling types I researched Physical ,Verbal ,emotional Sexual and Cyber. Bulling is not ok . Have a read Hope you like it. STOP BULLYING
Growth Mindset
We are learning to change our negative thoughts into positive thoughts. like I can't into I can, Its to hard into I will try.
you can change your brain by getting all of the negative thoughts out of your brain and put positive thoughts in your brain. When you are to scared to try something new and put yourself down ,you have a fixed mindset and when you are willing to try something new you have a growth mindset. We all have different strengths and weakness you can get better at them by practicing. Your brain controls everything we do like walking, talking, eating, breathing, emotions and to learn new things. We all have different sections in our brains and some people are good at sports,hands on activities and more. We are born with a small brain and its not very strong so we have to make it grown it grows the most during the first ten years of our life.
you can change your brain by getting all of the negative thoughts out of your brain and put positive thoughts in your brain. When you are to scared to try something new and put yourself down ,you have a fixed mindset and when you are willing to try something new you have a growth mindset. We all have different strengths and weakness you can get better at them by practicing. Your brain controls everything we do like walking, talking, eating, breathing, emotions and to learn new things. We all have different sections in our brains and some people are good at sports,hands on activities and more. We are born with a small brain and its not very strong so we have to make it grown it grows the most during the first ten years of our life.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
My Inferencing Poster
We have been learning about inferencing ,inferencing is when you use your prior knowledge to relate to the text that you are reading, hearing or seeing. When you inference you use what you see hear or read and then you gather all the evidence up and make a educated guess.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
My Sculpture
1. The first thing we did was sketch a Sculpture.
2. The we collected bits and pieces.
we learnt about construing sculptures and indemnifying different products and turning junk into a sculpture. We developed motor skills. Worked together. Most of all we Worked on our creativity skills. A sculpture is a free staining peace of art that contains wood ,plastic, metal and cardboard .
2. The we collected bits and pieces.
we learnt about construing sculptures and indemnifying different products and turning junk into a sculpture. We developed motor skills. Worked together. Most of all we Worked on our creativity skills. A sculpture is a free staining peace of art that contains wood ,plastic, metal and cardboard .
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
My Slam Poem
We have been doing slam poems they are about your personal feelings and something you feel emotionally. take a look hope you like it.
Hope is one of the best elements you can have in life along with forgiveness and empathy
Hope can bring you lots of highs and lows
When I hope for something and it comes to me I start to glow
Its comes with love and hope
Hope is one of the things I depend on all the time
But then when my hope is ripped apart I need to get put back in to line
My heart and my stomach drop and I feel so sore
Then I think upon the shores
Hope can be my best friend and fills my inner soul
Sometimes you need to let it out so you can fight the light
When I have a smile on my dile That mean I have hope
Sometimes hope is to hard for me to cope with it
When I am grumpy I mope
Sometimes when I am angry I lose hope
When I want to say something and I have hope
But then I don’t
When I have hope some won't
Sometimes I need a boost of hope in my blood
It feels like there is a flood
When there is a flood in my blood I have hope
Monday, 23 July 2018
Latitude and Longitude
Today I learnt about latitude and longitude, latitude is across, longitude is from top to bottom, here is my scavenger hunt. Hope you like it !!!
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Animals At War
I did a project about animals at war there were dogs ,pigs,cats, slugs,horses,glowworms. Over 10,000 horses were killed in the war. The slugs were used for there breathing pores would open and then that would warn the solders to get out, the glow worms were used in the trenches deliver messages with .light
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Monday, 28 May 2018
Monday, 21 May 2018
My Shantytown slide Show
We have been working on slide show from when we went to the battle of the Somme Hope you like it!!!!
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
My card for shantytown
We have been working on thank you cards to the people who organized our shantytown day out here is mine. Tack a look
Hope you like it!!!!!!!
Thursday, 10 May 2018
My Mametz poster
This is my Mamet poster and I am wearing a German helmet form the world war one and a genuine coat.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
My Anzac Work
So we have been working on Anzac. we have been researching artifacts and people from the war.
Hope you like it !!!!
Friday, 13 April 2018
Monday, 26 March 2018
My Metaphors
My Metaphors
Morgan is a glass house cold on the outside and warm on the inside.
Morgan is a rubber band bending in all different ways.
Morgan is a hedgehog spiky on the outside sweet in the middle.
Morgan is a little fish swimming in the sea brave on the outside scared of everything on the inside.
We have been working on metaphors
By Morgan
Morgan is a glass house cold on the outside and warm on the inside.
Morgan is a rubber band bending in all different ways.
Morgan is a hedgehog spiky on the outside sweet in the middle.
Morgan is a little fish swimming in the sea brave on the outside scared of everything on the inside.
We have been working on metaphors
By Morgan
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Bio Poem
Happy Flexible Adventures
Who enjoys Swimming Dancing and Play with my friends
who feels Plastic can kill turtles
The sea is being contaminated by plastic
The fish are dying
I wonder how the mountains rose up
I wonder how the animals came on earth
I fear that all the animals in the sea will be killed
My Family My Friends My animals
Who is able to Dance
who dreams of become a dancer the wins medals
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